Think you can’t teach your child about sustainable food without them getting bored? Think again! Learning about sustainable food in your child’s early years is important – not just for helping them to become more aware of what they’re eating, but to help them to be more responsible with food in the future. Here’s Kiddit’s guide to learning about food, the fun way! When it comes to food, it’s likely that your main focus as a parent is encouraging your […]
[..]Children of all ages love expressing themselves through art. However, it’s more than just a creative activity – it’s educationally beneficial for a number of different reasons. Read on to find out more. In recent years, Art has become increasingly less prominent on the curriculum. Instead, schools are focusing more and more on subjects like math and the sciences, which are considered more ‘educational’ and of greater value in later life. However, in Kiddit’s opinion, art is anything but a […]